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Fuzzy electronics Write for us, Guest Post, Contribute, and Submit Post

Fuzzy electronics Write for us

Fuzzy electronics Write for us

Fuzzy electronics is an electronic technology that uses fuzzy logic, rather than the two-state Boolean logic more commonly used in digital electronics. Fuzzy electronics is fuzzy logic implemented dedicated hardware. This must be compared to the fuzzy logic implemented in software running on a conventional processor. Fuzzy electronics have a wide range of applications, including control systems and artificial intelligence.

The first fuzzy electronic circuit is built by Takeshi Yasakawa in 1980 using discrete bipolar transistors. The first industrial fuzzy application took place in a cement kiln in Denmark in 1982. The first VLSI fuzzy electronics were designed by the Masaki Toga and Hiroyuki Watanabe in 1984. In 1987, Yasakawa built in the first analog fuzzy controller. The first fuzzy digital processors appeared in 1988 by Toga (Russo, pp. 2-6).

In early 1990s, the first fuzzy logic chips was introduced to the public. Two companies, Omron and NEC, announced the development of dedicated fuzzy electronic hardware in 1991. Two years later, the Japanese cooperation Omron showed a functional fuzzy chip at a technical fair.

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Why to Write for Us Techies Line – Fuzzy Electronics Write for Us

Why to Write for Us Techies Line – Fuzzy Electronics Write for Us

  • Writing for Techiesline can give massive exposure to your website for customers looking for Fuzzy electronics.
  • Techiesline presence is on Social media and will share your article for the Fuzzy electronics, marketing, related audience.
  • You can reach out to Fuzzy electronics enthusiasts.

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Guidelines of the Article – Fuzzy Electronics Write for Us

  • We at Techiesline  welcomes fresh and unique content related to Fuzzy electronics.
  • Techiesline allow a minimum of 500+ words related to Fuzzy electronics .
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  • For publishing article at Techiesline email us at  contact@techiesline.com
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